The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook and Cooking through My Grief

Taking it one recipe at a time. 2013 will be mainly focused on "The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook," by Dinah Bucholz, and how doing what I love, cooking, being with my family and reading Harry Potter will help me process my grief associated with loosing my 3 week old daughter, Ruby, on November 18th, 2011.
Join me for a "culinary magical masterpiece" throughout 2013!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Old Fashioned Chocolate Buttermilk Sheet Cake

Harry would go to be babysat by Mrs. Figg, when the Dursleys would want him out of the way. "She has too many cats, her house smells like cabbages, and her chocolate cake tastes ancient"("The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook, Bucholz, pg. 8, see Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Ch. 2 and 3).
The wonderful thing about this cake is that it did not taste ancient! It was actually very moist and delicious to eat especially when it was warmed up in the microwave. The only thing I didn't like about this cake, and my Mom agreed with me is that is needs a yummy ganache frosting, or chocolate frosting, or raspberry drizzle with some ganache on top. But, this is personal preference of ours. My Mother and I are crazy about chocolate, in fact when we go out to eat and order desert we typically ask for extra chocolate syrup in a side cup:) If you are not crazy about chocolate like that then I would say use the powdered sugar on top, just the way the recipe says to do it. I will make this recipe again because it was super moist and yummy, but will use a chocolate topping, in case you didn't get the hint from the previous sentences...:) I give this recipe a 3 1/2.
English History: "Cake""comes from the old Norse word "kaka" (what were the Vikings thinking?). But you can imagine that what the Vikings called kaka and we call cake are vastly different items. Not until the 1700s were eggs and sugar and even icings added to cakes to turn them into something we would recognize" ("The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook," Bucholz, pg. 8).
Greif Help:Today was a wonderful day! I feel like I got a little more of "me" back, and have totally been taking advantage of it because I don't know how long this feeling is going to last. Mr. B took Rose out for a Daddy/Daughter date and were gone for most of the morning. I took that opportunity to cleanse Rosies room, a very daunting task, yet something that I have been wanting to do since last Summer. I sorted through her toys and split them up between 4 bins-one bin for each week of the month. Then I went through her closet and straightened that up some. I was able to do all of this before Brian got home. So, I decided to go shopping:) I had a bunch of stores I needed to go to to return things and was able to get to them all. I am especially excited for my "Breville" Juicer that I ordered from Bed, Bath and Beyond today. I am hoping I can get it really soon because I am truly addicted to freshly squeezed juice! I also bought some adorable curtains as a finishing touch to Rosies room. Now, on to conquer my pantry, another one of those daunting tasks, but so rewarding when it is finished. I have decided to call my organizing tasks "Operation Organization." It makes it sound a little more exciting and mysterious to me, you never now how it will turn out, but it sure feels amazing when you open the door and everything has a place!
You may be wondering how any of this relates to grieving, so let me explain. For months now I have had a list of things that need to be accomplished, and while having the desire to do them the drive has been very absent. In fact most of my days the last few months have consisted of waking up, watching Rose, nap time, staring off into the void of nothing, and going to bed. I don't have guilt for doing this because doing nothing is a part of grieving (and so is eating a lot of chocolate), and I know that I have many more days ahead of me where "doing nothing" is acceptable, but today I could do a little more than what I have been able to do in a long, long time, and if feels good. (Still Love you Ruby, but it was nice to have a break from the heart break today.)
One of these pictures is of Rose after her date with Daddy, totally wore her out:) She made her own cowboy bed on her bedroom floor. So cute!

Mr. B LOVES his little girls! Hopefully he will get a few more...girls that is:)

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