The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook and Cooking through My Grief

Taking it one recipe at a time. 2013 will be mainly focused on "The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook," by Dinah Bucholz, and how doing what I love, cooking, being with my family and reading Harry Potter will help me process my grief associated with loosing my 3 week old daughter, Ruby, on November 18th, 2011.
Join me for a "culinary magical masterpiece" throughout 2013!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Early Morning Walk

Over the weekend I discovered that my neighbor is starting a new walking regimen every weekday morning at 6 a.m. I asked if I could join her and she ecstatically agreed! It is so much easier to walk with a friend and have someone that you have to meet up with, or else the desire fades very quickly. So, this morning at 6 a.m. sharp I bounded out of bed, turned off my alarm and headed out the door for my walk. It was so wonderful to be able to be out before the blaring Sun was shining down on us! It also started out my morning wonderfully! I was able to spend time with my Husband before he left for work, tidy up my house, do the dishes, clean out the fridge, and do 2 loads of laundry all before 10 a.m. Talk about being productive! I have basically had a full day, and I still have hours to go. The only thing I need to do different is start going to bed before midnight and then I think I will feel a lot better! There is some truth to the old adage of "Early to bed, Early to rise. That's the way to stay healthy, wealthy and wise!"
I'm actually going to challenge you today to get up early this week and try out the early morning walk, if you aren't already doing it. Let me know how it goes for you!

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