The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook and Cooking through My Grief

Taking it one recipe at a time. 2013 will be mainly focused on "The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook," by Dinah Bucholz, and how doing what I love, cooking, being with my family and reading Harry Potter will help me process my grief associated with loosing my 3 week old daughter, Ruby, on November 18th, 2011.
Join me for a "culinary magical masterpiece" throughout 2013!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Quote for the day

Don't leave for tomorrow that which you could do today. You will just end up with a whole lot of empty yesterday's.
(From the Music man. Not an exact quote, put its pretty close.)

I think I'm gonna go buy me a Gerber Daisy today. I need its happiness in my Home! Perhaps you may need one on your table too.

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