The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook and Cooking through My Grief

Taking it one recipe at a time. 2013 will be mainly focused on "The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook," by Dinah Bucholz, and how doing what I love, cooking, being with my family and reading Harry Potter will help me process my grief associated with loosing my 3 week old daughter, Ruby, on November 18th, 2011.
Join me for a "culinary magical masterpiece" throughout 2013!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mommy Moment

Since the title of my blog is "Memoirs of Mothers" I thought that I should share this "memoir" of mine with you all. Last night I was rocking my baby before putting her down for bed. The light was off, the door was closed the noise machine was on and also her little night light was being projected on the ceiling. I sang her a few songs and then said "Love You," in the sweet Mommy voice that every Mother has. A few seconds later she repeated in the exact same baby tones of "Love You," back to me. It really literally melted my heart! It was a moment that I didn't want to end. Finally, after 26 months of long nights, lots of lost sleep, millions of feedings and diaper changes, and the feeling of not knowing if what I was doing even really mattered, paid off. In two sweet little tones, she loves me! And I love her, and this is how as a Mother I am able to continue facing every day-the good and the not so good Mommy day's, knowing that, even if she doesn't tell me vocally, I am loved in return. Everything I choose to do right now is just a foundation for the future teenage years which will inevitably come to quickly. But, the foundation of love is set and she knows where I stand no matter which way her mood swings!
Have you had sweet "Mommy Moments" with your kids? Be sure to write them down, so that you can look back and remember the sweet moments!

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